
Cost of Waiting For Interest Rates to Drop

So, you’re waiting on the sidelines waiting for interest rates to go down, huh? Well, did you know there is actually a cost to that.  Maybe, just maybe, waiting is not the smartest (read as most cost effective) thing to do right now. Buckle up, buttercup and let’s jump into the juicy topic of waiting for those interest rates to do a little jig and sit the heck down. 

Picture this: You’re sipping your morning coffee, watching the sun rise and contemplating the idea of buying your first home. you find the home that has it all as you’re scrolling through the mls, but then…suddenly you hear the newscaster say “interest rates are on the rise again”. Ugh.

Interest rates, my friend, can be a bit like that rollercoaster ride you love – they go up, they go down, and sometimes they even do the twist! But waiting, does have it’s consequences. 

Here’s the scoop: Waiting for interest rates to go down might seem like a smart move. After all, who doesn’t love the idea of snagging a lower rate and saving some extra bucks? But guess what? While you’re waiting for those rates to shimmy their way down, a few sneaky costs might just sneak up on you (not to mention that home that has it all…yeah, it will be bought by someone else too).

Home Prices Can Sneak Up: You know how the housing market can be a bit like a game of musical chairs? Well, those home prices might just decide to do a little dance of their own while you wait. If you’re thinking of buying, waiting for rates to drop could mean that home prices rise, and your dream home starts to feel a little less dreamy on the budget.

Opportunity Time Tick-Tock: Time is a sly one, isn’t it? While you’re waiting, precious time is ticking away. That dream home you’re eyeing might slip through your fingers, and the chance to build equity could be saying, “See ya later!”

Paying Rent vs. Building Equity: If you’re in the first-time homebuyer game, you’re likely renting right now. Every month you wait, you’re forking over your hard-earned money to your landlord instead of investing in your own future through home equity. And that’s money you won’t get back!

Interest Rates – The Wild Card: Alright, let’s talk about those interest rates again. They might go down, sure. But they might also decide to throw a curveball and go up! It’s like trying to predict the weather in California – you never really know what you’re gonna get.

So, while waiting for interest rates to do their little dance might seem tempting, it’s crucial to weigh the pros and cons. Consider chatting with a pro (ahem, ME!) to understand the big picture and make the right move for your family and future.

Wanna learn more on how I can help you make your move, reach out!

Picture of Becke "Becks" O'Neil

Becke "Becks" O'Neil

Making people pivot into their first home and having fun while doing it.

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